
Support us in our battle for the dolphins

You can support us in various financial ways.
Our donors will receive a newsletter every four months to stay informed about our campaigns.
You can become a supporter for 2,- Euro a month.
Contact us for details.

Online donations
By clicking on the subjoined button you can make an online payment through Geef Gratis.

Casual donation
You can make a casual donation through bank account 784759316 on the account of Stichting Dolphinmotion in Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

For payments from another country in euro's:
IBAN: NL44-TRIO-784759316

Want fiscal profit?
If you like to support us with a big donation please contact us here.

Authorization of payment form
Help the dolphins and become a supporter today!

Dolphinmotion would greatly appreciate you financial support. The donation will be used for the purchase and maintenance of the campaign bus. We will handle your donation in the outmost responsible way. No salaries are being payed, we only work with a small, but highly motivated team of volunteers.

With your contribution you help us continuing our work.
Become a donor for 4,- euro's a month and you will receive a free T-shirt!

CONTACT US for more details

De T-shirts zijn binnen! U kunt deze hier bestellen.
Hosting & programmering:
Vormgeving in samenwerking met moonsenses.
Stichting Dolphinmotion - Triodos bankrekeningnr. 784759316